Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cheery Songs About Unintended Pregnancies #2: Heart--All I Wanna Do (Is Make Love to You)

One of the great things about being aware of the discrepancy between form and content in these cheery songs about unintended pregnancies is being able to watch other people listen to them, blissfully unaware of the meaning of the song, and initiate them into the hilarity.* Never is the enjoyment of a cheery song about unintended pregnancies quite as fun as when shared, especially for the first time. Heart's "All I Wanna Do (Is Make Love to You)" can slip under people's radar because so much of the song is devoted to the chorus and the description of the one-night stand that it refers to.

The whole pregnancy angle only comes in at the end, by which time a lot of people figure they already know what they need to know about the song, namely, that all she wants to do is make love to him. But, the story the song actually tells is of a woman whose real partner is (presumably) infertile, so she picks up a sexy hitchhiker and they have (unprotected) sex. Suitably impregnated, she sneaks out without letting him know her identity and (presumably) goes back to her partner to have a baby. The song zips forward to when she accidentally runs into the hitchhiker again as she is walking with his baby. In what is no doubt a confirmation of the Maury Povich brand of genetics where paternity is instantly and indubitably recognizable (or not) by a single feature, the hitchhiker realizes that the baby is his: "You can imagine his surprise, / When he saw his own eyes." The woman pleads for him to keep it a secret, etc., etc.

So here we have an interesting variation on the "unintended pregnancy." The pregnancy from my first example "Wanna Be Startin' Something" by Michael Jackson, is not explicitly unintended, although we can infer that it probably was given the mother's apparent inability to properly care for her child (there was some lack of foresight involved). While Jackson's example was probably unintended by both parents, in Heart's case the pregnancy only the father didn't intended it (although, in this tangled web, the person who thinks he's the father but isn't probably intended it). In a refreshing change, however, at least this isn't a case of entrapment on the part of the woman where she comes off as cruel and manipulative, but rather some secret outsourcing which is morally ambiguous given the combination of deceit and (mostly) good intentions.

Of course, there is an alternate reading of this song, where the baby is wholly unintended and she only wanted to have a good time, after all, she had a pretty rocking night with the hitchhiker (he "brought out the woman in [her], many times, easily"). If you really want to have a baby without your partner there are other ways of doing it which might give him fewer misgivings, like a trip to the sperm bank. That certainly puts a new (and humiliating, for her partner) spin on her explanation to the hitchhiker at the end of the song that "what he couldn't give me / Was the one little thing that you can."

The only problem with that reading is the hilariously stupid note that she leaves the hitchhiker after their night of "magic." In what is an amazing case of mixed up metaphors, she declartes

"I am the flower and you are the seed
We walked in the garden
We planted a tree"

First of all, this woman needs to study some botany, because she clearly doesn't understand plant reproduction and is obviously confused by the fact that human sperm is sometimes (especially in olden times) called seed. Flowers are crucial to the sexual reproduction of many plants, but their seeds would be the products of the pollination of flowers, not what pollinates them. It would have made more sense if she was the flower and he was the bee, but she clearly sings "seed" (well, actually, it sounds like "sea" but the s-sound is there). So technically, if he's the seed then he is her offspring (since she's the flower) which would add some pretty strange dimension to this song if that's actually what they meant. Anyway, this note, as confused as it may be (especially since it goes on to talk about walking in the garden and planting trees--I thought they were the plants?) it does clarify this woman's intent in terms of the one night stand, she's clearly got fertilizin' on the brain (let's just hope her reputation isn't soiled by this! She should be guard'n it more closely...)

*As tempting as it might be to do this with romantic-sounding songs with creepy lyrics, that is a more dangerous game. For instance, you never know what you're in for when it comes to people who play The Police's "Every Breath You Take" at their wedding, you always run the risk that they really do know what the song's about...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Melissa Etheridge. Practicality dictates that she needs to guy to start the baby. Just wondering....
