Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Numero Uno

In the triumphant manifesto that is to follow I will spell out the intentions that have led me to start blogging. They might not be intentions I stick with for very long, but at least they provide some context for how this whole thing got started: I seem to spend a fair amount of my time driving, and in order to maintain my sanity while doing so I listen to a lot of music. If I hear a song enough times (and loudly sing along with it in the relative privacy of the car) I often try to think through the lyrics, either because they don't make a lot of sense, or because they are particularly rich and suggestive. In both the former and latter cases, sometimes things come together and sometimes not, but I find the process of working through them to be enjoyable. It is this process (and its results) that I will document here.

And now the caveats: there probably isn't a lot of intellectual heavy-lifting to be had here, after all this is pop music, not high modernist poetry (a teenage as opposed to an adult wasteland, I guess). Similarly, my knowledge of music (especially its technical aspects) is limited, and so, as many would undoubtedly say, is my taste. You've been warned.

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